The Work Exchange
What It Is
This no-cost, six-session learning experience for Christian believers is designed to give participants practical ways for glorifying God in their actual work, whatever they do, whether they’re volunteers, students, parents, employees, or employers. To accomplish this, the learning design features 60+ prominent voices speaking about various aspects of faith and work through videos, quotes, and other references.
How it Works
The Work Exchange is designed in two formats: a facilitator-led experience, best for groups of 12 or more either in person or through video conferencing, and a video-driven experience, best for individuals or for small groups less than 12. Each of the six sessions in this learning experience is designed to take between 45 and 60 minutes and is structured to include a lie that Satan wants us to believe about work, the truth of what Scripture says about work, and a Biblical strategy for working differently that exchanges the lie for the truth found in Scripture. At the end of each session, participants are challenged to live out what they just learned.
Included Free Resources
Participant Guide
Available as a reproducible download (for free), the interactive participant guide is a key resource for every participant in either the facilitator-led or the video-driven learning experience.
Facilitator-Led Experience
Choose this no-cost reproducible download for a facilitator-led learning experience. Includes guidance on how to lead this learning experience, presentation slides and video clips. Great for groups of 12 or more people, either in-person or on video calls.
Video-Driven Experience
Choose this no-cost digital resource for a video-driven learning experience, with timings, visuals, PowerPoints, small group exercises and discussion, and video clips built in. Great for individuals or small groups of 12 or less people.